Mango, Mint & Pumpkin Dessert w Coconut Yoghurt

Mango, Mint & Pumpkin Dessert w Coconut Yoghurt
Pumpkin is very versatile, and amongst all the possiblities is raw pumpkin. It is great to make desserts with as it's amazingly sweet and refreshing. In this dish I mixed it with mango and mint, and added a bit of extra sweetness by throwing in 2 dates. The coconut yoghurt goes lovely with the pumpkin purée as it is, but you could flavour it with lemon zest or ginger for instance, if you like (my favourites) 🙂
Cuisine: vegan
Recipe type: dessert
Serves: 2
Cook/wait time: 
Total time: 
You need
  • abt 350gr of pumpkin, peeled
  • 1 large ripe mango, peeled and pitted
  • 4 medium leaves of mint (and some extra for decoration, if you like)
  • 2 pitted Medjool dates
  • water
  • 1 cup coconut yoghurt (unsweetened - if you can't get hold of coconut yoghurt, use other dairy free yoghurt)
To do
  1. throw all ingredients, except for the water and coconut yoghurt, in your blender and blend away
  2. add water till you have the consistency you prefer; thicker or thinner
  3. serve one layer on top of the other, or go artistic with many layers, and decorate with some extra mint 🙂


Raw Pulp Crackers of Carrot, Pumpkin, Nuts & Seeds

Raw Pulp Crackers of Carrot, Pumpkin, Nuts & Seeds
Do you love to make your own nut milk and regularly juice, and you're looking at all that beautiful pulp and wondering what to do with it? I use pulps in breads or in dog food, and my favorite; raw crackers. I do like to keep my daily crackers quite plain, so we can eat them with anything; we have them instead of bread.
If you want a more savoury cracker, just add the spices you fancy; curry, chilli, turmeric, etc.

This recipe makes about 3 trays.
Cuisine: vegan, raw
Recipe type: crackers, blender, juicer, food processor, dehydrated
Prep time: 
Cook/wait time: 
Total time: 
You need
  • 1¼ cup mixed nuts (f.e. hazelnuts, almond, walnut, pecan)
  • ¼ cup mixed seeds (f.e. sunflower, pumpkin)
  • 200gr carrot
  • 150gr pumpkin
  • 60gr red onion
  • about 5 gr of fresh ginger (or more if you like)
  • 2 tbsp vegetable stock powder (no salt, low salt or normal)
  • ½ cup flax seeds in ½ cup + a bit water
  • ½ cup chia seeds in 1 cup water
  • 2 cups of water
To do
  1. place flax seeds with their water in a bowl, and the chia seeds with their water in another bowl, let sit for 20 minutes
  2. in the meantime, make your nut milk and pop the dryish pulp in your food processor
  3. juice the carrots, pumpkin and ginger - drink this heavenly juice and throw the pulp in the food processor
  4. roughly chop the onion and add to processor - it's probably a good idea to run the machine at this point, with a cup of the water
  5. add in the other pulp and stock powder
  6. blend till well mixed, then spread out on your dehydrator sheets
  7. dehydrate at 45C for about 2-4 hours. If you do this in the evening, and you want to turn them over before you retire and the top is dry but the bottom side is still wet, then place another sheet or tray on top, flip over, and use a thin spatula (I use a cheese slicer) to detach the 'dough'. Don't worry, it works fine.
  8. then score them
  9. I am not that precise with time, I usually let them dehydrate overnight. Then break them in pieces and put them in a container once cooled down
I love raw crackers topped with avocado, fresh coriander, a tad of red onion or olives, some smoked kelp... you get the idea. However, peanut butter does the trick for me too 🙂


Raw Pulp Crackers of Carrot, Pumpkin, Nuts & Seeds

Raw Pulp Crackers of Carrot, Pumpkin, Nuts & Seeds

Persimmon & Baked Banana Breakfast

Persimmon & Baked Banana Breakfast

Persimmon & Baked Banana Breakfast


The ginger gives this breakfast a bit of a bite, the banana gives it creaminess and the persimmon freshness, it is lovely 🙂

Grocery list:

♥     1 banana
♥     1/2 persimmon, wedged
♥     1.5 tbsp pumpkin seeds
♥     1 tsp sesame seeds
♥     1 tsp fresh grated ginger
♥     a decent sprinkle of cinnamon
♥     3/4 cup of rice puffs
♥     small sprinkle of Himalayan rock salt – optional
♥     a little oil
♥    optional: a dash of non dairy milk

– cut the banana in pieces and quickly bake them in a little oil with the pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, cinnamon and optional salt
– arrange in a bowl with the rice puffs and persimmon and top with grated ginger, add non dairy milk if preferred, and more cinnamon to taste 🙂