The ginger gives this breakfast a bit of a bite, the banana gives it creaminess and the persimmon freshness, it is lovely 🙂
Grocery list:
♥ 1 banana
♥ 1/2 persimmon, wedged
♥ 1.5 tbsp pumpkin seeds
♥ 1 tsp sesame seeds
♥ 1 tsp fresh grated ginger
♥ a decent sprinkle of cinnamon
♥ 3/4 cup of rice puffs
♥ small sprinkle of Himalayan rock salt – optional
♥ a little oil
♥ optional: a dash of non dairy milk
– cut the banana in pieces and quickly bake them in a little oil with the pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, cinnamon and optional salt
– arrange in a bowl with the rice puffs and persimmon and top with grated ginger, add non dairy milk if preferred, and more cinnamon to taste 🙂
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