Crispy Lemon Lime Chia Cookies
If you have a dehydrator, I don't really know of an easier recipe to make cookies than this one. I love lemon and lime in this recipe, but you could use other flavours too; maybe your favorite natural cordial instead of the citrus juice? 🙂 Also, these cookies are gluten free, sugar free, oil free, pretty much everything free, but still not made of dust 🙂

Cuisine: vegan & raw
Recipe type: dehydrated
Serves: 20
Prep time:
Cook/wait time:
Total time:
You need
- ½ cup chia seeds
- juice of 1 lemon
- juice of 1 lime
- zest of ½ lemon
- zest of ½ lime
- 2 pipettes (1/2 tsp) of liquid Vanilla Stevia (or plain Stevia)
- top up water
- optional: anything for decoration (I used pumpkin seeds, but red berries, like Goji berries, would look great!)
To do
- pour lemon and lime juice in a measuring cup. Top up with water to half a cup
- in a bowl, mix the juice/water with the zest, Stevia and seeds
- let sit for 20-30 minutes
- place about ½ to ¾ a table spoon of the mixture on your dehydrator sheet, that should make around 20 cookies (of course you can make them bigger or smaller)
- dehydrate till dry and crisp, about 4 hours (flip them over half way)