No nut milk I make is ever exactly the same, but this recipe just about covers it. (If you wonder what to do with the pulp; I use it in raw cracker recipes, bread recipes, a little bit in dog food (no macadamias though!), (raw) cookies, and more).
For 3 to 4 cups of nut milk (depending on how thick you want it, you can start with less) these are the amounts you'd need: (activated and dehydrated or activated and still wet) :

- add them to your blender, with the water
- blend for 30 seconds, that should do the trick
- place a nut bag in a jug and pour the milk in it
- then squeeze as much water out as you can (aaaarggghhh!!!!!)
- you can flavour the milk with a tiny pinch of himalayan rock salt and a tiny bit of sweetener, or just leave as is till you need it. I use it as is mostly, even for my cappucino, which I give a sprinkle of cinnamon and cacao anyway.