Raw Chocolate w Dried Cranberries
At the Wise Cicada in Auckland, I bumped into these silicon baby food trays to freeze. Perfect for chocolate, I thought! Actually, makes much more sense to me, but then again, I'm not in a baby food frame of mind ;-). A friend and I went on a chocolate making mission and amongst chilli chocolates and ginger chocolates we made these little beauties too. The cranberries I used are slightly sweetened, which made these choccies a little sweeter than my usual chocolate - but I don't think anybody minded....

Cuisine: vegan & raw
Recipe type: sweets
Serves: 20
Prep time:
Cook/wait time:
Total time:
You need
- 1 cup of grated raw cacao butter
- ½ cup of raw cacao powder
- ¼ cup of raw coconut nectar or raw organic agave nectar
- 1 tsp vanilla bean paste
- ¼ to ⅓ cup dried cranberries
To do
- slowly melt the grated cacao butter in a plastic jug or ceramic jug au bain Marie. (Never let it boil, as it is meant to be raw, so definitely not to be heated over 46C). Using a stainless steel jug or glass has failed with me as the chocolate became too hot and therefore thick, so if you want to do it the safe way, don't try that 😉
- when melted, use a small whisk to stir in the vanilla paste and agave nectar
- when that is nicely mixed, stir in the cacao powder, no need to worry about clumps as they dissolve pretty much straight away
- when the powder is dissolved, your chocolate mixture is ready to be poured
- whenever you don't use it, just let it sit on the stove in the warm water so it doesn't go thick
- put your cranberries in your chocolate mould(s) (apart from the official chocolate moulds, silicon moulds will do nicely)
- pour the mixture on top of the cranberries, and quickly stir it through with something small like a cake tester. Top up if you'd like a smooth bottom side.
- fill up all moulds and pop in fridge or freezer
- it won't take long for the chocolate to get hard, and once hard, take them out of their moulds and keep them in a container with lid in the fridge.
Note: it's best to put your flexible tray on a piece of carton or a non flexible tray or lid, it will make it a lot easier to carry to and place in fridge.
And of course you can make bigger or smaller ones 🙂
And of course you can make bigger or smaller ones 🙂