Garlic & Chives Almond Cheeze

Garlic & Chives Almond Cheeze
This cheeze is fantastic with fruit, especially when you let it ripen for a bit and let the tartness of the culture come through. Stuff lychees with this cheeze and top with a small piece of olive, mmmmm….. Recipe makes about 200grams
Prepared by:
Cuisine: vegan, vegan 101
Recipe type: cheese
Prep time: 
Cook/wait time: 
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You need
  • 1.5 cup peeled almonds (blanched almonds come peeled already, raw ones don't)
  • 3 capsules of probiotics
  • ½ tbsp nutritional yeast
  • ½ tbsp raw coconut nectar (or agave, or maple)
  • 20 grams chopped chives
  • 4 smallish cloves of garlic
  • pepper, a good grind
  • Himalayan rock salt, about ¼ tsp, or more to taste
  • 1 tbsp of lemon juice
  • poppy seeds, about ¾ tbsp
  • water
To do
  1. soak the nuts for a few hours till plump (if they are raw, soak overnight and then rinse and peel)
  2. rinse and put in your blender, with about ½ cup of water to start with
  3. add contents of the probiotic capsules
  4. run machine till you have a nice smooth paste. Do add water if needed, but not more than strictly necessary to obtain a homogenous paste
  5. scoop nut paste into a folded nut bag (or use 2 bags) and place in sieve or colander, on top of a bowl
  6. now place weight on top. I put a small plate on it first, and then a pan with water; you want the fluid to be pressed out, but not so hard that the cheeze pushes through the cloth
  7. let sit for up to 72 hours. Criteria: taste and texture that you like.
  8. increase weight now and then, especially if you want to go for more solid cheese. Creamier cheeze needs more moisture.
  9. when the texture is to your liking, mix with all the other ingredients (hold on to the lemon juice if you want a creamier cheeze, until you've mixed the lot and then add if it can handle the extra fluids)
  10. place a piece of plastic wrap in a bowl, scoop the cheeze in it, press down nicely and place in fridge
  11. when firm, take out of plastic and sprinkle with poppy seeds
  12. keep in fridge


Garlic & Chives Almond Cheeze

Garlic & Chives Almond Cheeze