Lima Beans w Mint & Veggies
I have to be honest, I have never been a great lover of legumes, even though my mother served heaps of them. But I must say, Lima beans, or Butter beans, are really lovely. I use them in different ways for different dishes. This is one of them 🙂 By the way, I soak the beans overnight, rinse them, and then steam them till they're done. I find this an easy way as you can just walk away and you don't need to worry about them getting burnt 😉 But, you can also buy them cooked of course, which makes this a really quick and hassle free dish.
Prepared by: Eerainuh
Cuisine: vegan
Recipe type: Main
Serves: 2
Cook/wait time:
Total time:
You need
- 1-1.5 cups of cooked Lima beans
- 1 capsicum, cut up
- 2 hands of fresh spinach - or more
- 1 medium onion, chopped
- a few tsp of minced garlic, or as much as you want
- salt & lots of pepper
- a drizzle of olive oil
- a hand (or 2) of fresh mint leafs
- ½ tbsp Chia seedfs
- some sprouts as topping
- some oil for cooking
To do
- heat oil in deep skillet
- when hot, add onion, garlic and capsicum and quickly stirfry
- add beans and heat through
- stir in mint and spinach, add salt & pepper and let quickly wilt
- when spinach is wilted, place on plate and top with sprouts and a drizzle of olive oil and sprinkle with Chia seeds