Raw Buckwheat, Flax & Chia Seed Crackers
Whenever I feel I've been eating bread while my body says 'Please don't', I like to eat raw crackers. Best to make them yourself as they tend to be quite pricey. These are pretty neutral, so you can have them with sweet or savoury toppings.

Prepared by: Eerainuh
Cuisine: raw vegan
Recipe type: crackers, food processor, dehydrator
Serves: 2 trays
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You need
- 1 cup of raw buckwheat groats, soak for 15 minutes, sprout for a day
- ½ cup of golden flax seeds, top up with water to 1 cup level
- ½ cup of chia seeds, top up with water to 1 cup level
- ½ cup dried tomatoes
- 1 small zucchini
- ½ tsp lemon pepper
- 1 large clove of garlic
- ½ tsp Himalayan rock salt
- about ½ cup of water
To do
- add all the ingredients except for the water to your food processor
- blend thoroughly, and add water as needed; you should end up with a doughy mass
- spread out over 2 dehydrator sheets, at about ½ cm thick
- dehydrate at 46C for about 12-14 hours, or until you like their texture. This batch I dehydrated till hard but they do retain a little bit of chew. You can score them half way, when you turn the lot over, or just cut or break them afterwards like I did.
You do need a powerful blender for this. If you don't have one, you could make the 'dough' in two batches.