Beetroot & Coconut Terrine w Olive & Dill

Beetroot & Coconut Terrine w Olive & Dill
Not only can you serve this dish instead of a dip, but you can also use it as part of a meal, just serve a wedge on the side. Although this recipe can easily be made as dip by leaving the agar agar out, it is nice for a change to present it in solid form. It's low fat and has a lovely light, flavoursome texture 🙂
Cuisine: vegan, cooked (roasted)
Recipe type: side dish, condiment
Prep time: 
Cook/wait time: 
Total time: 
You need
  • 300gr beetroot (peeled weight)
  • ½ cup coconut yoghurt
  • 1 large clove of garlic, minced or finely chopped
  • 4 good quality black olives (mine were dried, delish!), chopped
  • 30gr red onion, chopped
  • 3 tsp dried dill
  • ⅛ tsp salt
  • a good grind of pepper
  • 1 cup oat milk or other non dairy milk
  • 3 tsp agar agar powder
To do
  1. preheat oven to 190-200C
  2. wash beetroots, place in a dish and then in the oven, bake till soft (or almost soft), which would be about 45minutes, depending on their size
  3. let cool down, then peel skin off, cut in pieces, add to the small bowl of your food processor (see note)
  4. add coconut yoghurt, chopped onion, garlic, olives, dill, pepper, salt, blend till fine, taste and tweak flavours
  5. before the next step, make sure you have your moulds or slightly oiled ramekins ready to be used; this last phase needs a bit of pace
  6. in a small sauce pan, place oat milk and sprinkle the agar agar powder on top, heat the milk, whisk powder in, and you'll find that as soon as the milk starts to boil, the mixture will go thickish
  7. take immediately of heat and, with your machine running, pour in the agar mixture
  8. let blend for a short while, making sure the agar is well mixed through
  9. pour mixture into moulds, and tap them to fill up nicely, place in fridge and they're done when solid
You can make this dish with a stick blender, just make sure the beetroots are quite soft and that you have somebody to pour the agar mixture in while you stir thoroughly.


Quick Salad w Iceberg Lettuce, Apple, Olive & more

Quick Salad w Iceberg Lettuce, Apple, Olive & more
An easy salad to quickly throw together. Of course you can adjust quantities as you like 🙂
Prepared by:
Cuisine: vegan
Recipe type: salad
You need
  • 5 lettuce leafs, torn in pieces
  • 1 small apple, chopped
  • 5cm of cucumber, sliced in fingers
  • a small onion, thinly sliced or chopped
  • 4 semi dried tomatoes, sliced or chopped
  • a few olives, sliced
  • a dash of olive oil
  • juice of half a lime
  • fresh dill
To do
  1. toss the whole lot together and munch away 🙂


Potato, Cucumber & ‘Sausage’ Salad

Potato, Cucumber & Sausage Salad

Potato, Cucumber & Sausage Salad

A lovely meal I decided to make when I didn’t have the energy to cook… funny that I ended up cooking 😉 But, it is a simple meal that doesn’t require a lot of work or thinking.

You need (for 1 portion):

♣     2 medium potatoes
♣     1 favorite vegan sausage
♣     about 3 centimeters of cucumber (or less potato and more cucumber, why not)
♣     a couple of olives
♣     fresh dill, a few sprigs
♣     1/4 small-medium onion
♣     toasted sesame oil to cook in
♣     a dash of olive oil
♣     a dash of truffle oil (or if you use the concentrated oil, less)
♣     salt & pepper to taste

You do:

– cube the potatoes and boil them with salt
– slice the sausage any way you like and fry the pieces in the sesame oil
– when potato cubes are done, drain and let cool down a bit (unless you want a warm salad)
– cut up onion and cucumber, chop the dill and olives
– sprinkle a little of olive oil on the potatoes, same for the truffle oil, toss to coat (taste and add more truffle oil if you like)
– then add everything to the potato, mix and serve. Or arrange sausage on the side 🙂

That’s all!


Spelt Triangles w 2 Fillings


Spelt Triangles w 2 Fillings
I'm not a big eater, so one bread roll will do me, but I do want lots of flavours, so I dress the two halves differently. Of course the possibilities are endless, but this is just one combination I like 😉
Prepared by:
Cuisine: vegan
Recipe type: breakfast, lunch, light meal
Serves: 1
Prep time: 
Total time: 
You need
  • 1 Spelt Triangle w Psyllium Husks (in this case, but any wholemeal bread roll will do)
  • ¼ - ½ avocado, depending on the size
  • some rocket leaves
  • 1 or 2 pitted olives
  • balsamico
  • ½ tomato
  • capers
  • vegan mayo (mine was home made)
  • salt & pepper to taste
To do
  1. cut the bread roll in half
  2. dress one half with avo, then rocket, sliced olive and balsamico
  3. dress the other half with avo, wedges of tomato, capers, vegan mayo and pepper