Dust and grass, because there’s plenty of it!
How about a plate of dust and grass? I’ve found you can create HEAPS of recipes just out of those two ingredients 😀  Sometimes I even add in a bit of rabbit food, just because I can! Have a sniff around on this website 🙂
Have a quick look at the latest additions…

Raw Chocolate w Dried Cranberries
Print Raw Chocolate w Dried Cranberries At the Wise Cicada in Auckland, I bumped into these silicon baby food trays to freeze. Perfect for chocolate, I thought! Actually, makes much more sense to me, but then again, I’m not in a baby food frame of mind ;-). A friend and I went on a chocolate […]

Bell Pepper Cream Cheeze Dip
Print Bell Pepper Cream Cheeze Dip This cream cheeze dip has a wonderful fluffiness; its texture is lighter than cream cheese, but is a bit firmer than a dip. The trick is agar agar. The capsicum – or bell pepper – gives it a fresh flavour that is delightful. Feel free to add more chilli, […]

Witlof Salad w Lychees, Melon & Pumpkin Seed Dressing
Print Witlof Salad w Lychees, Melon & Pumpkin Seed Dressing Belgian endive, chicory, witloof, witlof, they’re all the same. I love its special slightly bitter flavour (more so at the base of the head), and how it therefore goes so well with sweeter ingredients like fruits, as well as nuts and seeds. Pumpkin seeds are […]

Broccoli, Basil & Chickpea Tortellini w Orange & Thyme Sauce
Print Broccoli, Basil & Chickpea Tortellini w Orange & Thyme Sauce Yum yum yum! I don’t eat wheat products often, but as I haven’t been able to find gluten free wonton wrappers or similar, I make concessions 😉 These tortellini (I guess it depends on how you fold them what you call them) are delish […]

Potato, Carrot & Onion Patties w Chilli & Coriander
Print Potato, Carrot & Onion Patties w Chilli & Coriander This is my type of comfort food, and quite simple and quick to make. This recipe makes 3 to 4 patties, depending on the size. I used food rings to help me make them a bit tidier than I would do without, but if you […]

Smoky Coconut Flakes w Dukkah
Print Smokey Coconut Flakes w Dukkah A quick snack or an awesome sprinkle for so many dishes! No fats, no gluten, no added salt either. You can experiment with the flavours; try different Dukkah’s, vary the amounts of both liquid smoke and Dukkah and add different spices 🙂 If you are longing for a smoky […]

Creamy Watercress & Tomato Soup w Kaffir Lime Leaf
Print Creamy Watercress & Tomato Soup w Kaffir Lime Leaf This is an amazing soup with delicate creaminess. Watercress is incredibly healthy, and its flavour pairs beautifully with tomato, basil and avocado in this recipe. Kaffir Lime leaves add a nice surprising flavour and no oil is needed as you use avocado for healthy fats […]

Toasted Spicy Peanuts
Print Toasted Spicy Peanuts This is a great sprinkle for many dishes; from rice to fruit salads. Make as much as is practical in your skillet, let cool down and keep in your pantry 🙂 Cuisine: vegan Recipe type: Sprinkle, condiment Prep time: 5 mins Cook/wait time: 5 mins Total time: 10 mins You need 1 cup […]

Mango, Mint & Pumpkin Dessert w Coconut Yoghurt
Print Mango, Mint & Pumpkin Dessert w Coconut Yoghurt Pumpkin is very versatile, and amongst all the possiblities is raw pumpkin. It is great to make desserts with as it’s amazingly sweet and refreshing. In this dish I mixed it with mango and mint, and added a bit of extra sweetness by throwing in 2 […]

Crispy Lemon Lime Chia Cookies
Print Crispy Lemon Lime Chia Cookies If you have a dehydrator, I don’t really know of an easier recipe to make cookies than this one. I love lemon and lime in this recipe, but you could use other flavours too; maybe your favorite natural cordial instead of the citrus juice? 🙂 Also, these cookies are […]

Pineapple & Avocado Jelly w Orange Coconut Cream
Print Pineapple & Avocado Jelly w Orange Coconut Cream Lovely light and natural sweet is this dessert. No added sugar or sweetener except in the Orange Coconut Cream. You could replace this by soaked and blended dates, if you prefer. Use fancy moulds for a more impressive presentation or just for fun. I served this […]

Asparagus & Watercress Soup w Marjoram & Thyme
Print Asparagus & Watercress Soup w Marjoram & Thyme A beautiful, fragrant soup, and nice and light as well. No added fats, and as it’s bursting with flavour, salt is optional. And although super quick to make, this soup has loads of character! Watercress contains more iron than spinach, more calcium than milk and more […]

Raw Pulp Crackers of Carrot, Pumpkin, Nuts & Seeds
Print Raw Pulp Crackers of Carrot, Pumpkin, Nuts & Seeds Do you love to make your own nut milk and regularly juice, and you’re looking at all that beautiful pulp and wondering what to do with it? I use pulps in breads or in dog food, and my favorite; raw crackers. I do like to […]

Mixed Nuts & Seeds Milk
Print Mixed Nuts & Seeds Milk Home made nut milks are so easy to make, it is silly to buy them, especially as you wouldn’t add any ingredients that make you wonder why the heck they’re in there 😉 Nor would you ever be able to find a nut milk that is made from soaked […]

Rockmelon & Spinach Salad w Ginger, Peppermint & Pepper
Print Rockmelon & Spinach Salad w Ginger, Peppermint & Pepper This dish is just unreal, the freshness of the cold rockmelon against the bite of the ginger and pepper, then lifted by the peppermint…. wow. It’s simple dishes like this that make me thank Mother Nature for her beautiful flavours. The spinach I added purely […]

Mushroom & Butter Bean Patties
Print Mushroom & Butter Bean Patties Here’s a lovely way to get your mushrooms and beans in. Mushrooms are very nutritious, and so are beans, so there you have it, power patties 🙂 They freeze well too. You can make them spicier by adding more chilli, of course! These amounts make about 9 patties, which […]

Eggplant & Beetroot Dip
Print Eggplant & Beetroot Dip I was going to make baba ghanoush, but thought I might as well throw a beetroot in the oven in the oven as well, and that turned out to be a good idea. This dip or condiment (I eat it on toast and on raw crackers) is amazingly light and […]

Nectarine & Witlof Salad w Black Beans
Print Nectarine & Witlof Salad w Black Beans A refreshing salad, to which I added the beans for nutritious value. The flower in the picture isn’t there just being pretty, it’s a fennel flower, and amazingly delicious! So if you have fennel flowering in the garden, sprinkle it over your salads or other dishes 🙂This […]

Sticky Rice Cakes w Aniseed, Orange & Pistachio
Print Sticky Rice Cakes with Aniseed, Orange & Pistachio Yum! The flavour combinations that can be added to sticky rice are endless, of course, and it’s probably best if you do your Muppet Show Swedish Chef impersonation and go for it. Or, you can follow another recipe like mine here 🙂 Oh, for colour, I […]