Raw Buckwheat Bread
A great bread replacement, and it doesn't come much healthier than this 🙂 The amounts in this recipe will yield 1- 1½ trays of 'bread'. If you want to make more in your food processor, you may have to do it in batches as the mixture is quite heavy to process.

Prepared by: Eerainuh
Cuisine: raw & vegan
Recipe type: sandwich, bread alternative
You need
- 1 cup of buckwheat groats (measurement is of unsoaked groats) but groats need to be soaked. Overnight will do fine.
- 1 cup of flaxseed, ground (I use a coffee grinder for that; it is almost impossible to keep store bought ground flaxmeal from going rancid, so best is to grind seeds at home when you need them)
- 1 small capsicum (preferably red), finely chopped
- ½ zucchini, finely chopped
- a smidge of Himalayan rock salt
- optional, if you want to make it more of a savoury slice: 1 spring onion, chopped
To do
- put capsicum and zucchini (and optional spring onion) in your food processor and process till very fine, almost puree
- bit by bit, add the groats and ground flaxseed and process till it is doughy
- spread the mixture on a dehydrator sheet and place in dehydrator for a minimum of 6 hours, and flip it over once (place another sheet on top and turn over). when you flip it over, score the dough at the same time in pieces of any size you like
- it may take quite a bit longer to get it to the texture you like, depending on humidity, dehydrator and preference, so allow for that.
To make the sandwich as in the picture, you need:
2 Raw Buckwheat Slices
1/2 avocado
a few slices of cucumber
a few slices of apple
some Carrot Coconut Dip (or any other dip)
fresh dill
some lavender flowers
a smidge of salt, pepper
Just assemble everything like a sandwich.
Not hard to make a healthy replacement for crackers and bread 🙂
2 Raw Buckwheat Slices
1/2 avocado
a few slices of cucumber
a few slices of apple
some Carrot Coconut Dip (or any other dip)
fresh dill
some lavender flowers
a smidge of salt, pepper
Just assemble everything like a sandwich.
Not hard to make a healthy replacement for crackers and bread 🙂